DELFIN – Niederländische Literatur

Delfin – E.3 – I. Terminologisches

mnl. delfijn, dolphijn, meerswijn

Dalfin is always used to designate the crown prince of France, never as a name for the animal. The other names are never used for the prince.

There is a problem with the meaning of delfijn/dolphijn and meerswijn. Sometimes the words mean the same, in other texts, however, the meerswijn is the porpoise/sea hog, and is distincted from the dolphin.

Paul Wackers

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Delfin – E.3 – II.2 Tierkunde, Enzyklopädik

The dolphin is classified as sea animal (or sea ›monstrum‹) and not as a fish. This also happens in texts about fishing or selling food. As all peaceful animals (→ deer, → elephant, → camel and dolphin) it lives very long (up to 140 years). A reference to Mt 5, 10 is used to explain this.

The longest description of the dolphin is found in Der naturen bloeme, Jacob van Maerlants adaptation of Thomas of Cantimpré’s De natura rerum. The dolphin is the fastest sea animal. Dolphins are pregnant during 10 months. After birth the mother protects the young against the father but when the young is grown, the mother also attacks her child. They grow during 10 years. After ten months they have reached sexual maturity. They mate and bear during summer, never in winter. When they are angry their fins stand firmly, when they are afraid or tired the fins hang down. Dolphins love music. The story of Arion shows this clearly. They care for each other: if a dolphin dies the other dolphins bring the body to land because they do not want the fishes to eat of the corpse. If men have eaten a dolphin and they swim in the sea, other dolphins attack and kill those people. Otherwise, however, they are friendly to people and become easily ›domesticated‹.

In the Nile live dolphins with very sharp fins. These they use to kill crocodiles.

[I still have to consult the – not edited – Middle Dutch translation of De proprietatibus rerum].

Paul Wackers

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Delfin – E.3 – III.1 Fabel

Only in nr. 37 in the Twispraec der creaturen (translation of Dialogus creaturarum moralisatus) a dolphin plays a role. He tries in vain to catch an → eel. Then the eel lures him to the mud where the dolphin gets stuck. A fisher comes and kills it. The moral is that you should not listen to your enemy. [The word used here is meerswijn. In her fable catalogue SCHIPPERS interprets this as bruinvis (= porpoise). The Latin, however, has dolphin so the fable is discussed here.]

Lit.: A. SCHIPPERS: Middelnederlandse fabels, 1995.

Paul Wackers

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Delfin – E.3 – IV.1 Narrative Texte

Geschichtsschreibung: In Jacob van Maerlants Spiegel historiael 1e partie, 2, 44 the story of Arion is told and placed in the time of the biblical king, Josias, and of Ancus Martius, fourth king of Rome.

Paul Wackers

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